Monday, August 10, 2015

Daily Communion on Psalm 23

“And they continued daily…breaking bread from house to house.” (Acts 2:46)

Set aside a time each day to spend with the Lord in His word and communion or fellowship with Jesus. You do not have to be in a church or have a pastor preside over the elements. You are the temple of God and a priest under your High Priest, Jesus the Christ. His death, burial and resurrection was for you, and for each of us.

I suggest that you set up your table with juice and a cracker or Matzo bread. Bless them to become the body and blood of Jesus.

Before you partake of them read and meditate on Psalm 23 as you see the body and blood of Jesus in front of you.

Think about how Jesus is our Shepherd. We belong to Him. He provides everything we need; love, food, shelter, and a new beginning each morning filled with His mercies. We get a new start each and every morning. Praise God!

When we use the authority of His name, and receive the power of His Spirit, the warring angels of heaven back us up. If we will walk with Him, He will lead us through the dark places of our soul.

In the mist of our darkest times we are invited to His table to commune with Him and to seek His direction. Then we can rest in His presence knowing the enemy has already been defeated.

This Psalm promises His goodness and mercies will come. Watch for them!

Take Communion: today we eat of His body that has been broken for us. By His stripes we are healed. His internal bruising became the payment for healing and depression. His forgiveness on the cross released us from eternal punishment. This is the great exchange. Give Him your problems and receive His mercy.

We drink of His blood that washed away our sin and made us into His new creation. This blood paid the price for us to become sons and daughters of the living God.

This is a good time to finish with a prayer of thanksgiving as we have become partakers of the unbreakable covenant in His blood. Amen!

Blessings on your day!

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